
Alexander Technique and the Power of Pausing — 29 Comments

  1. There have been so many times when I have looked back and wished that I had done as you suggest here and Paused! Sometimes I speak too quickly and then realize that if I had taken the time to think a bit before speaking I would have said something differently. So this is a great reminder and a valuable technique for approaching life in general! I should probably print out the word Pause on a piece of paper and hang it on my wall as a daily reminder until it comes more naturally!

  2. Congratulations Imogen on your first blog post of this blog! And a very nice post it is. I know very little about the Alexander Technique but I am aware of the technique of pausing (mainly because that is something I don’t do enough of!). I agree that it is something that more people should do consciously- especially with speaking. I am interested in learning more about how pausing is used in the Alexander Tech. and hope you will blog about that.

    Candace Davenport ~ Little Books with a Big Message

  3. Woo hoo! So proud of you! And I have learned, through Alexander Technique to pause before speaking engagements and at networking groups – also to pause for a moment if I start talking too fast or start getting very nervous. It’s a simple yet very effective tool
    Louise Edington
    Breaking Through Frontiers

    • Thanks, Louise! You are quite right – this is so simple and effective – and yet not always easy! However, the more we practice pausing, the more it becomes available to us in those more stressful situations.

  4. What a wonderful beginning to your blog. I’ll be looking forward to future posts. But right now I’m pausing to enjoy this moment. And BTW, I’m giving this post two “paws” up! 🙂

  5. Excellent point Imogene! I agree 100% that the ability to pause is the most important skill learned through the Alexander Technique. I know of no more effective way to learn this vital ability!

  6. Wonderful blog Imogen! I have learned so many useful techniques from coming to you for Alexander Technique lessons. Thanks for remiding me to be mindful when going about my day, to pause and breathe. Will remember when doing cooking classes.

    • Theresa – I’m so glad you found my blog! Remembering to pause and be mindful of ourselves in the midst of our daily activities is the key to change. Looking forward to your class tonight 🙂

  7. Hi Imogen–rec’d this link via Robert Rickover [thx Robert!]. A 1st blog!! Congratulations. I’m not there yet…. I’ve been teaching AlexTech for over 20 years & have found the ‘PAUSE Button’ concept to be the most easily experienced & integrated concept for my clients. One year, a client in an ongoing group, found flannel cloth with paws on it and made ‘Paws Buttons’ for everyone in the group. Flannel paws fabric w/ a silver button w/ a paw on it. Fantastic and fun reminder to PAUSE. I’ve shared my own Paws Button with clients facing an important interview, audition, or going on a family visit. Thx for this posting & happy to meet you.

  8. Thanks for this great blog. I am a Nia Teacher in Samoa. The pause button blog reminds me of the state of RAW, Relaxed – Alert – Waiting. Such an amazing tool for all things, even during dance class. I am inspired to use this as my focus of this week’s class. Also shall share on my Nia page. Looking forward to the next blog!

    • Cheryl, I’m glad you enjoyed the blog. I’ll have to remember RAW – Relaxed – Alert – Waiting – very nice! I believe Nia pulls from the Alexander Technique as well as other modalities, so not surprising there’s a nice correlation. Thanks for sharing on your page.

  9. This is a great blog Imogene! Thank you so much 🙂
    I think that throughout my life I have incorporated the power of pause, or maybe it was a subconscious part of me? I know that in many, many instances I do pause to “think before I speak” or “look before I leap”, but it’s automatic, I don’t specifically focus on it. Perhaps as a teenager I didn’t, though! But it’s been a life lesson.
    I’m really looking forward to learning more about the Alexander Technique in your future blogs, and of enjoying what you are sharing with us!
    Congratulations on a wonderful start in the blog world 🙂

  10. Pingback:Save Time by Slowing Down! | Body Intelligence

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  12. Pingback:Stopping, Pausing and the Art of Saying “No” | Body Intelligence

  13. Pingback:Alexander Technique and the Power of Thinking | Body Intelligence

  14. Pingback:Alexander Technique Directions – What Are They? | Body Intelligence

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