
The “Restorative Niche” and Constructive Rest — 12 Comments

  1. I started constructive rest after being in the studio and find it very restorative. I am an introvert and the Alexander Technique has suited me very well, being unintrusive and allowing for internal shifts as my body shifts.

  2. I absolutely love the phrase “restorative niche” and relate to it on every level. I know I search for this in my life, and if I don’t find it, I get a sense of imbalance internally. I’m definitely going to borrow this phrase!

    I’ve never particularly thought of myself as an introvert, although I’m definitely not an extrovert. I do, however, need a lot of quiet, private space. I always have, and as a child many in the family saw me as different because of it. It’s almost like at home I sought out those private resting places, whereas at school I was much more extroverted in class.

    Very interesting and helpful post!

    Judy Stone-Goldman
    Where the Personal and Professional Meeting

    • Yes, isn’t it a wonderful phrase!
      As far as the introvert/extrovert thing, from what I’m learning we’re all a mixture of both, but most of us to tend more one way than the other. Also introvert doesn’t mean shyness (though obviously they often go hand in hand) – it’s more that introverts enjoy and need quiet solitude as part of their life, and often work best on their own. It sounds like you definitely have some introvert in you, and that is a good thing! It’s usually on our own that we’re at our most creative and thoughtful.

  3. Another Alexander introvert here! I love the idea of constructive rest = restorative niche, and your blog post explains clearly why the two concepts and practices dovetail so beautifully. My restorative niches include time spent with my horses (the barn is my definitive restorative niche) and anywhere with a cat in my lap! When I have been out and about, retreating to my car can become a bit of a niche and I will often just rest for a moment of quiet before switching on the ignition for the next leg of my journey, even if the next stop is home! Thanks Imogen, for another thoughtful blog post.

  4. Yes! Constructive Rest is an EXCELLENT restorative tool, I always say that it’s better than a nap! And I like the idea of a study re introverts and AT 🙂 I need to buy the book, never seem to get time to listen – or if I do I tune out to the CDs and miss loads.

    Louise Edington

    • I definitely recommend the book. I’m very taken with the term “restorative niche” and think Constructive Rest fulfills the original requirements, but is also restorative in many other ways too. Yes – better than a nap!

  5. Hi Imogen, an interesting post, thank you. I actually find that swimming in a fairly quiet pool a la Shaw Method is one of my restorative niches as an introvert, a place where I can work on my stroke without much interference and am at peace with the support of the water.

  6. Pingback:Taking Time to Rest: Alexander Technique’s Constructive Rest as a Way to Release Tensions for the Artist at Work

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