Why is it Important to Have “Computer Poise?”
Computer Posture – or rather Computer Poise – is still on my mind. Not only because I’ve been doing a lot of computer work recently – even more than usual – but also because I’m currently creating a course on the subject.
By “Computer Poise” I mean a way of being as we sit or stand at our computer that means we are ease-fully upright – using our body intelligently, in the way nature intended.
The vast majority of us, however, have fallen into poor postural habits over the years, especially when faced with that computer screen in front of us, so we end up having to re-learn the poise that came naturally when we were young children.
Changing our habits is notoriously difficult. Getting CLEAR on WHY it is important to us to make this change is key to us following through in creating any new behavior or habit.
To help remind you why cultivating poise at our computers is important, here are 14 key reasons why it’s worth while taking time to be present and make constructive changes in the way you sit, or stand, to work:
Increase Productivity
Reduce Overwhelm
Increase Confidence
Reduce Pain and Discomfort
Increase Creativity
Reduce Tension
Increase Comfort
Reduce Stress
Increase Presence
Increase Mental Clarity
Increase Alertness
Reduce Mental Clutter
Reduce Fatigue
Increase Energy
All these things are interconnected. We can be more productive because we’re not sitting in the discomfort or pain that disrupts our work patterns and interrupts our focus. Computer Poise helps reduce overwhelm as it engenders calm alertness and mental clarity. We project confidence (both to ourselves and others) when we sit with poise, rather than in the slumped, contracted or stiff postures that contribute to feelings of anxiety and lack of assurance. We don’t get as tired because we’re using ourselves efficiently, so we feel energized and alert. When our body is expansive and open, our thinking opens up too, leading to greater creativity and problem-solving capabilities. Computer Poise both requires and fosters presence in a mutually beneficial cycle.
Learning how to constructively pay attention to our coordination, even, or perhaps especially, in something as mundane as how we work at the computer, can have huge ramifications for our business and indeed our life.
Start working on your Computer Poise today. Look back at my blogs on How to Improve Productivity, Project Confidence, and Be Comfortable with your Computer Posture and you’ll find some good places to begin.
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