The Secret to Saving Time – Slow Down!
Have you ever had the experience of being in so much of a hurry to get out the door that you dash out without your bag or your keys, and have to come back to get them? Or you’re in … Continue reading →
Have you ever had the experience of being in so much of a hurry to get out the door that you dash out without your bag or your keys, and have to come back to get them? Or you’re in … Continue reading →
In business – indeed in life – having the ability to take a moment to pause before we start any activity, or before we react to any situation that presents itself, is powerful. If we can learn to pause … Continue reading →
As I prepare to fly to England to visit my parents and present a workshop, I sense myself getting sucked into pure “get-it-done” mode with my long list of to-do’s before I leave. It can be overwhelming and stressful. I … Continue reading →
This is not quite what I had in mind when I say how you practice yoga can inform how you work at your computer! I’ve written a lot about how body intelligence helps us as professionals and entrepreneurs. Recently my … Continue reading →
This is a question I’ve been asked by some of the people taking my free email seminar, 12 Lessons in Computer Poise, and I thought it would be useful to address this directly for everyone. How do I remember … Continue reading →
Have you ever noticed how we’re always on the lookout for danger and things going wrong? And that we pay much greater attention to criticism than praise? This is perfectly normal, and there are sound survival reasons why we … Continue reading →
In a few days I’ll be flying to Chicago. This time I’m accompanying my husband who’s attending a conference there, and we’re going to make a mini vacation out of it. Being summer, it seems that more people than … Continue reading →
In this final post of my series on how to improve productivity, project confidence and be more comfortable with your computer posture, I want to consider the role of attitude. In fact, the word attitude even means posture in some circumstances. We … Continue reading →
Being able to pause while we’re working at our computer is key to everything we’ve been learning here over the past few weeks. Pausing gives us the opportunity for awareness – of our posture, our balance, the space around … Continue reading →
So far in this series, I’ve considered many things, all to do with awareness and the way we use ourselves – our body, mind, and breath – so we can optimize our productivity and comfort, not to mention the confidence we … Continue reading →